10 IELTS listening test tips

Improve your general listening skills

The goal of IELTS Listening section is to test your listening skills. Don't use practice tests to improve your score: it's not enough! They will help you to become familiar with the test, but won't much improve your listening abilities. It is much more effective to do various listening exercises, listen to general listening materials (radio reports, TV-shows, documental programs etc) and only after that do IELTS Listening practice tests.

Polish your topic vocabulary

Section 3 is almost always about education. For example, students and a tutor talking about an assignment. Learn all the vocabulary you can about studying at university. This way you will understand this section better.

IELTS Listening Test Tips for test takers Photo by Mana Akbarzadegan on Unsplash

IELTS listening test tips: Word types

Skip over the questions and decide which type of word fits in each gap. Is it a noun, verb, adverb or adjective? Write 'N' for noun, 'V' for verb and so on. This will help you to focus on the specific word forms while listening.

IELTS Listening Test Tips

IELTS Listening Test Tips

The goal of IELTS Listening section is to test your listening skills. Don't use practice tests to improve your score: it's not enough! They will help you to become familiar with the test, but won't much improve your listening abilities. It is much more effective to do various listening exercises, listen to general listening materials (radio reports, TV-shows, documental programs etc) and only after that do IELTS Listening practice tests.

The goal of IELTS Listening section is to test your listening skills. Don't use practice tests to improve your score: it's not enough! They will help you to become familiar with the test, but won't much improve your listening abilities. It is much more effective to do various listening exercises, listen to general listening materials (radio reports, TV-shows, documental programs etc) and only after that do IELTS Listening practice tests.

The goal of IELTS Listening section is to test your listening skills. Don't use practice tests to improve your score: it's not enough! They will help you to become familiar with the test, but won't much improve your listening abilities. It is much more effective to do various listening exercises, listen to general listening materials (radio reports, TV-shows, documental programs etc) and only after that do IELTS Listening practice tests.

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