Sleep is important for many reasons; in fact, it's as important as diet, nutrition, and exercise. It helps your body function properly, improves attention, behaviour, memory and overall mental and physical health.
Lack of sleep is not only important in the short term - an ongoing lack of sleep can be associated with long-term health challenges such as heart attacks, mental health issues, and high blood pressure.
Improve Your Sleep!
Here are some tips to improve your sleep:
Reduce daytime naps
Exercise regularly, but not before bed
Increase bright light exposure during the day, reduce blue light exposure in the evening
Don't consume caffeine or alcohol late in the day
Avoid eating or drinking late at night
Try to go to sleep and wake up at consistent times
Take a melatonin supplement
Optimize your bedroom environment - dark, cool, quiet, with a comfortable bed
Wind down to clear your head before bed - use relaxation techniques
If you want to get a good night's sleep but you are feeling a little cold before bed... which one of these should you do?
Review the list of tips above and identify one or two that might be disrupting your sleep.
Then try to change those habits for a week! Take notice: what's the impact? Are you feeling more rested?
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