Updated intro 3TVn0bqhhPhxB58zXCxp

An icon of a bell with a line through it.

  • Find quiet time: Set aside some time each day to be in a quiet, peaceful place. It could be your room, a cozy corner, or a nearby park. Just let yourself relax and enjoy the silence.

An icon of a smart phone with a red slash through it, indicating

  • Limit screen time: We all love our smartphones and other devices, but they can be overwhelming. Try to limit your screen time, especially before bedtime, as the blue light can disrupt your sleep.

An icon of a person walking through a forest.

  • Take nature walks: Spending time in nature can do wonders for your well-being. Go for a walk or sit under a tree, and let nature's calming effect soothe your senses.

An icon of a person with an eye mask on.

  • Use earplugs or eye masks: If you're in a noisy environment or have trouble sleeping, consider using earplugs or eye masks to create a more soothing atmosphere.

An icon of a person breathing through their nose and a clock above their head, indicating measured breathing.

  • Practice mindful breathing: Deep, mindful breathing can help you refocus and find calmness. Try inhaling slowly for 4 counts, holding for 4 counts, and exhaling for 4 counts.

Flaticon Icon

  • Practice meditation or yoga: Both meditation and yoga are fantastic ways to give your mind and body sensory rest. They help you focus inward and block out external distractions.


You can support individuals with autism and developmental disorders using ABA techniques but it's not limited to special needs students anymore.

  • Imagine those moments when you encounter students struggling with transitions, throwing tantrums, showing impatience, inattentiveness, or even bouts of aggression .

  • With ABA, you hold the key to unlocking their potential and creating a truly conducive learning environment.

  • By implementing ABA techniques, you can foster positive behavior, empower your students, and witness a remarkable transformation in your classroom dynamics.

Infographic showing the 5 applied behavior analysis techniques with icons

Exploring 5 Applied Behavior Analysis Techniques

  1. In Discrete Trial Teaching, you

  • Break down complex tasks into smaller, more manageable parts and help students absorb educational ideas effectively.

  • Use a cue-response-consequence Model structure to teach component tasks of a behavior or skill.

  • Icon showing one dot in dividing in further three dots Incentivize engagement of students with peers.

  • Address social skills deficits.

  • Identify specific areas of deficiency.

  • Provide targeted reinforcement for improvement.

  1. In Naturalistic Teaching, you

  • Align with the child's interests and routines, allowing for personalized and flexible learning.

  • Provide feedback and coaching for target behaviors that occurs at the moment to minimize interference with learning.

  • Use Incidental teaching to crate an environment where you prompt students to use their communication skills to express their needs .

Icon showing human mind with communication skill development

  • Employ the natural language paradigm method to create an environment in which you enhance opportunities for students to engage in language use .


You can support individuals with autism and developmental disorders using ABA techniques but it's not limited to special needs students anymore.

  • Imagine those moments when you encounter students struggling with transitions, throwing tantrums, showing impatience, inattentiveness, or even bouts of aggression .

  • With ABA, you hold the key to unlocking their potential and creating a truly conducive learning environment.

  • By implementing ABA techniques, you can foster positive behavior, empower your students, and witness a remarkable transformation in your classroom dynamics.

Infographic showing the 5 applied behavior analysis techniques with icons

Exploring 5 Applied Behavior Analysis Techniques

  1. In Discrete Trial Teaching, you

  • Break down complex tasks into smaller, more manageable parts and help students absorb educational ideas effectively.

  • Use a cue-response-consequence Model structure to teach component tasks of a behavior or skill.

  • Icon showing one dot in dividing in further three dots Incentivize engagement of students with peers.

  • Address social skills deficits.

  • Identify specific areas of deficiency.

  • Provide targeted reinforcement for improvement.

  1. In Naturalistic Teaching, you

  • Align with the child's interests and routines, allowing for personalized and flexible learning.

  • Provide feedback and coaching for target behaviors that occurs at the moment to minimize interference with learning.

  • Use Incidental teaching to crate an environment where you prompt students to use their communication skills to express their needs .

Icon showing human mind with communication skill development

  • Employ the natural language paradigm method to create an environment in which you enhance opportunities for students to engage in language use .


Are AI chatbots the answer to over-stuffed classrooms, student burnout and standardized teaching methods?

ChatGPT was unleashed into a world of students like you, now hoping to save time and improve their grades with the tool.

It hasn't always been a smooth journey...

To hear an audio version of the text in the image above, click the play button on the audio player below.

Flaticon Icon Stories of students submitting AI-generated essays are pretty funny, but chatbots really do have the potential improve your grades. 👇


testing steps 🤔 y3l875


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When I first started organizing, I was a bee. While bees are visual and micro-organizers, due to time constraints, I had to make some compromises like in the photo below.

A shelving unit with sliding containers made of fabric.

This setup would be most appropriate for a ladybug because everything is hidden and in large categories.

The reason why this works is because I barely have any closet space where everything can be out in the open. Having everything out in the open next to my bed was an eyesore for me, so I chose this system for my clothing instead.

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