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French Baguette GIF

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It's not only about vocabulary and grammar.

It's more about the rhythm of the language that determines how we learn it. Similar to how different musical genres have different rhythmic arrangements, every language has its own distinctive patterns. French Baguette GIF

For example, the words for "music" in different languages — Finnish musiikki, German Musik, Italian musica, Dutch muziek — might differ in syllable count but are connected by a rhythmic pattern.

We are more prone to unconsciously picking a particular rhythm depending on our native language.

According to an Oxford University study (2010), the rhythms of English, Greek, Russian, French, and Mandarin are remarkably similar. 

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There are also differences within languages due to individual speakers. The factors that influence these differences include: 

  • age

  • gender

  • occupation

  • social class

  • sexual orientation

Learning a language means becoming aware of these aspects while also learning vocabulary and grammar.

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